Last Update: Feb 18, 2025


We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions

01/08/2015no responses

  Submitted by Brandon Smith via, The structure of history is held together by two essential and distinct kinds of links, two moments in time to which no one is immune: moments of epiphany, and moments of catastrophe. Sometimes, both elements intermingle at the birth of a singular epoch. Men often awaken to understanding […]


Study: 18% of Americans doubt they’ll get out of debt

12/11/2014no responses

John Waggoner, USA TODAY 10:02 p.m. EST December 10, 2014 Neon signs illuminate a payday loan business in Phoenix on April 6, 2010.(Photo: Ross D. Franklin, AP) 215 CONNECT 90 TWEET 7 LINKEDIN 22 COMMENTEMAILMORE About 18% of all Americans say they will never get out of debt, and 43% of those with debt expect […]


The Middle Class Spending Crash Explained

12/03/2014no responses

  With Black Friday sales plunging and Cyber Monday growth slowing, it appears the chicken of stagnant wages and debt-saturation are coming home to roost for a massacred middle-class America. However, as WSJ reports “we are buying less stuff,” because the basic costs of necessities such as healthcare, food eaten at home, rent, education, and […]


Even the Upper Middle Class Struggles to Save Money

11/25/2014no responses

      Photograph by Dorgie Productions/Getty Images Last week the Federal Reserve released a disturbing report (PDF) on the financial state of U.S. households. The report’s main findings, that Americans don’t save very much, weren’t that surprising. For the last few decades middle- and lower-middle-class families have been pinched by stagnant incomes and higher spending. But […]


Student Debt By Major: What Not To Study To Avoid A Lifetime Of Debt Slavery

11/25/2014no responses

As recently reported by the Project On Student Debt, 7 in 10 seniors who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 had student loans, with an average debt load of $28,400 per borrower. This represents a two percent increase from the average debt of 2012 public and nonprofit graduates. It is also a new […]


The Mystery Of America’s “Schrodinger” Middle Class, Which Is Either Thriving Or About To Go Extinct

11/25/2014no responses

On one hand, the US middle class has rarely if ever had it worse. At least, if one actually dares to venture into this thing called the real world, and/or believes the NYT’s report: “Falling Wages at Factories Squeeze the Middle Class.” Some excerpts:     For nearly 20 years, Darrell Eberhardt worked in an […]


Auto Loan Delinquencies Surge 18% Among Young Americans

11/25/2014no responses

Auto loan delinquency rates jumped nearly 13% in the last year, according to a new report by Transunion, with young (under-30) Americans seeing a 17.8% surge in 60+ day delinquency rates, as auto loan debt rose for the 14th straight quarter to $17,352. While these are notable rises, the overall levels remain low for now, […]


Let Them Eat… Student Debt

11/19/2014no responses

Authored by Mark St. Cyr, This past Friday I like many others were waiting for my comedic coffee break to be broadcast over the financial media outlets. When the set up was told I grinned in amusement and expectation. When the punchline was delivered I almost fell off my chair as I buckled in uncontrollable […]


24 Reasons Why Millennials Are Screaming Mad About America’s “Unfair” Economy

11/19/2014no responses

Do you want to know why Millennials seem so angry?  We promised them that if they worked hard, stayed out of trouble and got good grades that they would be able to achieve the “American Dream”.  We told them not to worry about accumulating very high levels of student loan debt because there would be […]


24% Of Millennials “Expect” Student Loan Forgiveness

11/19/2014no responses

It appears the concept of no consequences is now deeply embedded in the American society. As Student loan debtloads surge ever higher – and opportunities grow ever lower – NBC News reports a rather stunning 24% of Millennials said they expect their loans will ultimately be forgiven, according to study released Wednesday by Junior Achievement […]


